

4 stationery brands that adults can use too! A ...

Hello, I'm the store manager🐱 Today, as an office worker and stationery store manager, I would like to introduce a stationery brand and series that I am personally interested in....

4 stationery brands that adults can use too! A ...

Hello, I'm the store manager🐱 Today, as an office worker and stationery store manager, I would like to introduce a stationery brand and series that I am personally interested in....


[For left-handed and busy people] We tested the...

Hello, I'm Ten, the manager of Ten's Job Tools Store. Today, I compared gel ballpoint pens in terms of quick drying. We often receive inquiries from left-handed people, students, and...

[For left-handed and busy people] We tested the...

Hello, I'm Ten, the manager of Ten's Job Tools Store. Today, I compared gel ballpoint pens in terms of quick drying. We often receive inquiries from left-handed people, students, and...

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