
3 characteristics of how to ask for work that can be done by capable people

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Hello, this is Ten, the manager.

Today, I will introduce how to ask for help.

Is cooperation necessary at all?

At my previous job, I had a colleague whose strength was his ability to involve others.
The ability to involve people means that even if you are given a task or mission, you do not have to do it alone, but you can involve various people and supplement their specialized knowledge to increase the probability of success in the task. It seems to be about speeding up the time it takes to see results.

This idea was very shocking to me as I am not good at relying on others.

Will people hate me?
It's a pain to ask for it every time.

That's what I thought, but when I saw how my former co-workers worked, I realized that even those who were involved seemed to be enjoying their work, and that it was a win-win situation for those who were involved, as the accuracy and efficiency of their work improved. .

I will introduce the characteristics when requesting a job from a former colleague.

First: Early consultation

It's a bit like office politics, but I don't think there's anyone who doesn't like being consulted early. I'm a bit of a chore, so maybe they're relying on me? The type that makes you happy.

It is recommended that you discuss this over lunch or a chat as soon as possible, as this will help you build a relationship of trust and confirm that what you are thinking at the time is correct.

Second: Ease of understanding is better than politeness.

I feel like everyone who can do the job is good at this, including my former colleagues who have the ability to involve others.

When you ask someone for a job, doesn't the sentence become very long if you ask someone from the bottom up?

If it's a long text, it seems like it's a bit of a hassle for the person receiving it, so I'll read it later. I tend to put it off until later.

I believe that if you make your request concise and easy to understand, it will be processed with priority. (Actually, I would rather get the request done quickly if the request is simple and easy to understand.)

It's important to be polite, but depending on the relationship of trust, it's best to skip this to some extent and follow up when you meet at work or over the phone.

Third: short mtg

How to get what you want done in a short 15-30 minute mtg session.

For example, if you want to get an expert opinion on a project, the requester can give you the proposal and ask for your opinion.

・Read the proposal
・Pick up opinions
・Summary in text or materials
This work will occur.

For short mtg

・Listen to the plan
・Give your opinion
And that's it. You can finish it quickly.
Of course, if the other person is so busy that you are afraid to hold down 15 to 30 minutes of mtg, the former method is better.

Please feel free to use them accordingly.

I talk about it in detail in the video.

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