
Honest review! Which wireless earphones are suitable for remote work?

RuffRuff App RuffRuff Apps by Tsun

Good evening, I'm the manager of #Tennoshugoto tool shop🐱

Today I reviewed wireless earphones.
Even before the coronavirus, I often worked while wearing earphones when I wanted to concentrate, but when I started working remotely due to the coronavirus, that time increased even more👾

I often spend most of the day with my earphones on, such as during online meetings or working at cafes, and each earphone has a different feel, so I hope this helps.

【The first one】
Air Pods Pro/Apple
Approximately ¥27,800 (by the way, my husband's personal belongings)

・Excellent noise canceling function
→My husband and I both work remotely, and we often have online meetings at the same time.
Even in such situations, the noise canceling function allows you to have a meeting without being disturbed by surrounding noises.
Lately, I've been working at cafes a lot, and I don't have to worry about the noise around me.

→The earphones have a built-in microphone, so even if you don't hold your face close to the computer (lol), your voice will be clearly heard by the other person.

・My ears are really itchy!
→Coupled with the fact that my ears aren't that strong to begin with, my ears get extremely itchy if I wear them for long periods of time. Once it gets itchy, I can't wear it for about a week...

Air Pods/Apple
Approximately ¥17,800 (company provided)

→Like Air Pods Pro, the microphone is excellent. It is at a level that is safe for online meetings.

- Falling down when talking
→Maybe it depends on the person, but when I talk, my earphones often seem to come off, probably because the muscles near my ears move.

・My ears get irritated because I hit it too hard
→The area around my ears got rough because I was pressing them too hard to prevent them from slipping down...

Sudio tolv / Sudio
About ¥12,400 (pre-birthday)

- Can be played with one ear
→I'm the type of person who likes to take one ear off when I'm riding a bicycle or paying at the cash register, but Air Pods Pro and Air Pods are designed to stop playing when you take one ear off. (Maybe to prevent loss?)
This is convenient because it continues to flow.

・I feel bad about the microphone.
→It seems that there is a built-in microphone, but people often say that it is difficult to hear during online meetings, so these earphones are no longer used during meetings...

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