
[Morning activity] Tips on how to overcome the problem of getting up early for people who love futons!

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Hello, this is Ten, the manager. Today I will introduce you some tips to overcome early rising 🌿

I changed jobs in January of this year, but up until then I had been leading a life of going to work at 10am, coming home at 10pm, going to bed at 2am, and waking up at 9am.

Naturally, my skin became dry, the canker sores didn't heal for about two months, and I often had headaches, so my body was screaming.

So, after changing jobs, even though I wasn't as busy as my previous job, I had a habit of going to bed late and waking up late.

While my life continued to be lazy, I started using a bullet journal in May to organize what I wanted to do. I want to do things like post daily on Instagram, weekly posts on Youtube, and update my blog! I was able to organize my thoughts.

I'm currently working from home, but the only way to do these things is to wake up early in the morning! I think one of the reasons for my success in waking up early is that I clearly understand the purpose of waking up early.

Now that you have a goal, I will introduce you to some tips for getting up early! Finally, I will also include some examples of failures.

Tips for getting up early ① Sleep with the curtains open

I was able to wake up when I was at my parents' house, but now that I'm living with my husband, I can't get up.I was wondering what the differences were between the bedrooms and environments at my parents' house and my current house.
Then, I found out about "blackout curtains."
My parents' house wasn't light-blocked, so I used to wake up with the sunlight pouring down on me, but now when my alarm goes off and I open my eyes, it's pitch black and my brain is thinking, "I can still sleep..." .
So, I find it easier to wake up if I leave the curtains partially open to let in some natural sunlight.
If you live alone, you might sleep with the curtains fully open, or curtains that aren't blackout can be a little scary for security reasons, so try partially opening the curtains near your feet, or open them fully the second you wake up to let in some sunlight.

Tips for getting up early ② Add early rising to Habit in your bullet journal

What exactly is a bullet journal?
Bullet journal is an analog task management system using notebooks, invented by American Ryder Carroll. Bullet originally means ``bullet,'' but here it refers to the symbol ``・'' placed at the beginning of a bullet point. Also, "Journal" means "diary" or "diary." In other words, the Japanese word for bullet journal is ``a diary/logbook kept with bullet points.''
I started bullet journaling in May. I picked out a few things I wanted to make into habits and managed them in my notebook in a format called "Habit."
Habit is a management method where you write down the things you want to make into habits and a month's calendar in your notebook, and then mark off the days you have completed them.
I had just started bullet journaling and was really hooked on it, so I was looking forward to getting up early and filling it in!

Tips for getting up early ③ Decide what to do in the morning the night before

This overlaps with what I talked about at the beginning, but it's about ``clarifying your purpose for getting up in the morning.'' My purpose for getting up early is to prepare posts on Instagram, edit YouTube videos, write columns, etc.

You can't do everything every day, so if you sort out what you're going to do tomorrow morning the night before, even if you're fighting sleepiness in the morning, you'll feel anxious and anxious, thinking, ``Oh, I have to do that...'' I can wake up excited.

failure episode

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